Whittier Area Genealogical Society
Whittier Area Genealogical Society
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Waupaca Area (WI) Genealogical Society
Saturday, September 14
Waupaca Area (WI) Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
7:00 am
Tools for Translating and Transcribing Genealogy - Thomas MacEntee
Documents - old and new - are a requisite resource for genealogy research. Learn the latest tools and programs available to translate foreign language documents as well as transcribe documents in order to extract needed information. Having trouble translating foreign language documents? Do you find transcribing genealogy documents tedious and frustrating? Learn the best tools and programs to help you extract the information you need from documents in order to find success with your genealogy research.

For details see www.wagswi.org

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Italian Genealogical Group (NY)
Saturday, September 14
Italian Genealogical Group (NY)  (Webinar)
8:00 am
Finding Your Ancestors by Researching the Neighbors:  Italian Style! - Annette Burke Lyttle, CG
This presentation will focus on researching neighbors, the neighborhood, cluster, or FAN (family, associates, and neighbors), which are often key in tracing Italian migration patterns. This approach can often be the key to breaking through brick walls. When records left by our ancestors don’t tell their story, we look for the records of the people around them because our ancestors can appear in their records. The records of neighbors can also suggest new places for us to look for records created by our ancestors. Learn how to use this powerful method for advancing your research.

Please register in advance if attending by Zoom.

For details see www.italiangen.org/events/

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Idaho Genealogical Society
Saturday, September 14
Idaho Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
11:00 am
Do a Double Take for More Research Clues - Susan Bates
Vital records, censuses, city directories and more hold overlooked clues about your ancestors. Propel your research into action by doing a double take on records you already hold. There is more to find!

All are welcome at the monthly meetings. We will be broadcasting over Zoom for those who cannot attend in person. An email with the meeting link will be sent to those on our mailing list as the day of the meeting gets closer. If you don't receive an email and would like a copy of the Zoom meeting invitation, send an email to IdahoGenSociety@gmail.com no later than 9:00AM on the day of the meeting and we'll send the link to you.

For more information about the society, see  https://idahogenealogy.org/

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

DuPage County (IL) Genealogical Society
Saturday, September 14
DuPage County (IL) Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
11:00 am
But It Wasn't a Foreign Language to Your Ancestors - Janice Sellers
Learning something about the languages your ancestors spoke will assist you in your research. Recognizing how names were pronounced can help you find people in indexed records; many name changes entailed translating the name into that of the new country. Online resources available to help you include word lists, alphabets, and translation engines.

This event will only be virtual. A Zoom link and a handout will be emailed to all registrants prior to the program.

Registration is now open on the Wheaton Public Library's events calendar:


Co-sponsored by the DuPage County Genealogical Society and the Wheaton Public Library.

For details see dcgs.org/event-5827000

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

New York Genealogical & Biographical Society
Saturday, September 14
New York Genealogical & Biographical Society  (Webinar)
4:00 pm
Zigzagging Through German Church Records - James Beidler
Researching German ancestors can feel like a daunting task, but German church records can be a highly valuable resource to help you uncover hidden ancestors.

Join us as we hear from James Beidler, who will guide us through the most effective approach to using the baptismal, confirmation, marriage, and burial records from German church registers. By using the different bits of information found in each register, researchers can zigzag their way to adding centuries to a pedigree. His talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

This is a free online webinar, but registration is required.

For details see www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/events/zigzagging-through-german-church-records

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Ohio Genealogical Society - Ashland County Chapter
Tuesday, September 17
Ohio Genealogical Society - Ashland County Chapter  (Webinar)
3:30 pm
Math Skills for the Genealogist - Michael John Neill
Michael John Neill writes Genealogy Tip of the Day, has researched for nearly forty years, worked as an educator for thirty years, and leads genealogy research trips.

Current members will automatically receive a Zoom link to the meetings one to two days before the meeting. Not a member yet? At least 48 hours in advance, send an email to accogswebmaster@gmail.com for a link to virtual meetings.

For details see ashlandccogs.org/events/2024-m

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Legacy Family Tree
Tuesday, September 17
Legacy Family Tree  (Webinar)
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
A Myriad of Slave Databases - LaBrenda Garret-Nelson, JD, LLM, CG, CGL, FASG
In the summer of 2023 American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society announced the collaborative 10 Million Names project, an undertaking to recover the names of people of African descent who were enslaved in the area of the United States. This monumental task of centralizing datasets about African Americans is likely to take years to accomplish; in the interim, this webinar provides a useful survey of the many existing databases that serve a similar purpose though limited in scope.

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific Time.

Wisconsin State Genealogical Society
Tuesday, September 17
Wisconsin State Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
The Art of Slow Genealogy - Tara Shymanski
Are you a genealogy tortoise or a hare? The hare rushes to find new documents and add to its tree but genealogy tortoises slow down create more accurate, thorough family trees. This method suggests ways to slow down by using a research log to enter all your findings, reading and transcribing records, citing your sources, analyze the records. As you slow down and consider each finding you will build a more accurate family history.

Free and open to the public; Members have access to the recordings following the presentation.

Registration link will be available closer to the webinar date.

For details see wsgs.org/upcoming-webinars


The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Santa Clara County (CA) Historical and Genealogical Society
Tuesday, September 17
Santa Clara County (CA) Historical and Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
6:30 pm
Ephemera: Scrapbooks of Your Ancestor's Life - Gena Philibert-Otega
Hybrid event - view on Zoom, or watch the Zoom simulcast in the Redwood Room, located on the first floor of the Santa Clara Central Park Library, 2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051. If watching on Zoom, you must pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/y3b8yyh7

What’s ephemera? It’s the stuff that much of our genealogy research is built on. Defined as paper items that were not meant for long-term archiving, ephemera can hold great genealogical value. In this presentation Gena will show you examples of ephemera and how and where you can find it.

Our meetings are free and open to the public. For more details, visit www.scchgs.org.

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Legacy Family Tree
Wednesday, September 18
Legacy Family Tree  (Webinar)
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Practical Chromosome Mapping:  Gaining Insights from Segments of DNA - Jonny Perl
Chromosome mapping helps you understand how you inherited DNA from your ancestors and can be highly addictive. Join DNA Painter founder Jonny Perl as he explores hands-on examples demonstrating what you can learn from the segments you share with your matches.

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific Time.

Avon Lake (OH) Public Library
Thursday, September 19
Avon Lake (OH) Public Library  (Webinar)
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Exploring ChatGPT's Potential:  Harnessing Its Genealogical Applications - Mary Jamba
Discover how the powerful tool known as ChatGPT can be effectively utilized for genealogical purposes. Professional genealogist Mary Jamba presents.
The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Fairfax (VA) Genealogical Society
Thursday, September 19
Fairfax (VA) Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Finding Your American Ancestor Using Canadian Records - Kathryn Lake Hogan
Even if you think they were never in Canada, discover eight reasons why your American or immigrant ancestors may have been there.

- Immigration: Did your ancestor come through a Canadian port of entry? Many immigrants to the United States went through a Canadian port and then travelled to their American destination.
- Land: Perhaps your ancestors took advantage of low-cost or free land in Canada. Discover why your American ancestor was granted land and where to find the records.
- Migration: Did your ancestor migrate through Canada before settling in the USA? Learn how to find clues that can lead you to your ancestor’s path of migration from Canada to the United States of America.
- Birth: Maybe your ancestor really was born in Canada.
- Marriage: Did your ancestor say “I do” in Canada? Learn why your ancestor may have crossed the border to be married in Canada.
- Death: Did your Ancestor take his last breath on Canadian soil?
- Employment and/or Visiting: Perhaps your ancestor was one of the thousands of Americans who have crossed the border into Canada looking for employment or visiting a relative.
- War: Was your ancestor one of the thousands of American men who joined the Canadian forces during World War I or II?

Link to event: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsduGhrTMqEtfUC8IoD19gNcT9WPULVeqt

For details see fxgs.org/content.aspx?page_id=4002&club_id=912730&item_id=2322750

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Sacramento (CA) Public Library
Saturday, September 21
Sacramento (CA) Public Library  (Webinar)
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Genealogical Legacy of the California Gold Rush - Jacqui Stevens
People from around the world made their way to California in the mid-1800s, seeking gold. Many returned home as poor as they came; others stayed on, initiating a flow of letters and photographs from far-flung origins. Those mementos can still be found in antique shops in the foothills today. Through case studies of the stories behind several such photographs, learn how the same research techniques we use in genealogy can be applied to discovering the identity of the faces in hundred-year-old rescued photographs.

This program will take place on Zoom. Register in advance for this meeting .

For details see saclibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=391083&lib=1000&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2024/09/01

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Mount Vernon (VA) Genealogical Society
Tuesday, September 24
Mount Vernon (VA) Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
10:00 am
LinkedIn for Genealogists - Jo Pearson
LinkedIn isn't just for job seekers - it's a valuable tool for genealogy networking and collaboration. This class will help you optimize your LinkedIn profile, join genealogy-related groups, and connect with other professionals and enthusiasts in the field.

TO REGISTER: Please send an email with your name and phone number, the class date and title, to Amy Breedlove a

Once you've registered, a reminder email will be sent to you a few days ahead of the class with the zoom link and any handouts, etc.

For details see www.mvgenealogy.org/

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Appleton (WI) Public Library
Tuesday, September 24
Appleton (WI) Public Library  (Webinar)
11:00 am
Genealogy Series for Seniors
Join the Local History Librarian at Thompson Center on Lourdes (2331 E Lourdes Dr.) for a monthly genealogy series geared towards seniors who are 50+. The series occurs on the fourth Tuesday of every month (except December) at 11:00 AM (Pacific) and features a different genealogy topic. Pre-registration is required through the Thompson Center by calling 920-939-3088.

If you would prefer to attend virtually via Zoom, you can register for the programs herebit.ly/3SjJMne. Zoom sessions are open to all, regardless of age! Upon registering via Zoom you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the program(s). NOTE: This is an in person program at the Thompson Center on Lourdes and the Zoom will be showing the presentation as it occurs live in person. If you would prefer to attend in person, and are 50+, you must register in advance by calling the Thompson Center at 920-939-3088.

This month's topic: Court Records

Court isn’t just for the black sheep of the family. You may be surprised to find even your well-behaved ancestors in various court records! In this session we’ll discuss the different types of court records and how to locate them. Please note that Probate Records will be discussed separately during October’s session.

Did you miss our past sessions? Check out the Genealogy Series for Seniors playlist on our YouTube channel here: bit.ly/4bnomN3

For details see bit.ly/3SjJMne

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Charlotte Mecklenburg (NC) Public Library
Tuesday, September 24
Charlotte Mecklenburg (NC) Public Library  (Webinar)
3:00 pm
Health Lineage:  Unlocking Your Family Health Secrets
Discover your family's medical past. Use genealogy to trace inherited illnesses and understand your familial health risks effectively

This is a HYBRID program, so you can attend in-person at West Boulevard Library or online via Zoom.

*Registration Required* Registration begins the first day of the month.

For details see cmlibrary.bibliocommons.com/events/664e0452aab5ae427b8af36c

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Wake County (NC) Genealogical Society
Tuesday, September 24
Wake County (NC) Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
3:30 pm
Tracing Land Ownership Over Time:  Forwards, Bacwards, and from the Middle
Reconstruct historical communities by following land ownership over time. Records

can be traced backwards from today, forwards from the original owner, and points in between.

For details see www.wakecogen.org

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Cranberry (PA) Genealogy Club
Wednesday, September 25
Cranberry (PA) Genealogy Club  (Webinar)
3:30 pm
How to Write Ancestral Stories Your Relatives Will Want to Read - Pam Vestal
Part of the thrill of genealogy is sharing our discoveries with those we love, so it can be disappointing when our family members and friends have no interest in the subject. However, with good research, thoughtful planning, and a dash of ingenuity, we can create engaging stories designed to entice even the most reluctant readers.

Zoom registration will be available closer to the event date.

For details see www.cranberrygenealogy.org/

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Montgomery County (MD) Genealogical Society
Wednesday, September 25
Montgomery County (MD) Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
4:30 pm
Befuddled by the Records:  Building Our Own Brick Walls - Debbie Wilson Smyth
If something in a record seems “off” or is confusing or conflicts with known information, do you still accept it at face value? Or, do you conduct additional research to confirm or verify the information it contains? Sometimes, the records will lead you astray with incomplete or erroneous information. This presentation will present case studies to demonstrate those times you may be befuddled by the records.

Register at us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkdOyuqjooHNaEJhEReudePmzlvhBjdbzp for Zoom link or join us at the FamilySearch Center.

For details see mocogensoc.org/eventListings.php?nm=40#er33

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Legacy Family Tree
Wednesday, September 25
Legacy Family Tree  (Webinar)
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Buried in the Federal Recoreds Center:  Uncovering XC Pension Files - Alec Ferretti
This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the United States.

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific Time.

Avon Lake (OH) Public Library
Thursday, September 26
Avon Lake (OH) Public Library  (Webinar)
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
The Hidden Web:  Digging Deeper - Cyndi Ingle
When Google and traditional search engines don't return useful information, don't stop there. Professonial genealogist Cyndi Ingle (https://www.cyndislist.com/) will share resources that are invisible to Google and hidden deep within web sites and proprietary databases. The "hidden web" lies buried within the collections for commercial web sites, libraries, archives, and museums. We will also talk about the importance of indexes that deep-link into web sites online, thus uncovering hidden gems of information that may not be found easily through a search engine query.
The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.
Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

Family History Society of Arizona
Thursday, September 26
Family History Society of Arizona  (Webinar)
6:30 pm
Conflict Management:  Evaluating Evidence of Identity - Emily Garber
If attending virtually, please register at the link found on the events page www.fhsa.org/eventListings.php?nm=95

Meetings are open to all, but please consider joining at only $20/year for individuals. www.fhsa.org/cpage.php?pt=3

For details see www.fhsa.org/

The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.

DuPage County (IL) Genealogical Society
Saturday, September 28
DuPage County (IL) Genealogical Society  (Webinar)
11:00 am
Don't Forget to Misspell:  Getting the Most from Online Newspaper Research - Michelle Spencer
Do you feel like you are missing something when searching online newspapers? Whether you are using AI or your own version of hunt and peck, it is easy to miss the rich detail of our ancestors' lives that was once written in black and white. This session will provide tips for searching for details of the lives of our elusive kin in the digital world.

Registration is now open on the Wheaton Public Library's events calendar:


Co-sponsored by the DuPage County Genealogical Society and the Wheaton Public Library.

For details see dcgs.org/event-5826993


The time listed for this webinar is Pacific time.

Thank you to conferencekeeper.org for providing information on this event.